We have now been able to do face to face care with our patients since June 8Th and have initially been trying to help people who had been presenting with problems or outstanding treatment through lockdown. Thank you to everyone for their patience.
We are now able to open up our facility of automatic recalls for all our patients for both dental assessments and hygiene appointments.
As the country is still assessed to be at Level 3 threat with Covid-19 we still need to ensure the suitability of attendance before you arrive at the practice. The front door is kept closed, and you will be greeted there when you attend for an appointment. Reception is not open for use to reduce social contact.
Not all the recalls will be sent out simultaneously, but this will be organised by the computer system related to when you were last seen. It may take several weeks for the automatic recall to catch you into the system. If anyone feels they need to be seen, and they haven’t received a recall or for any other reason, please feel free to contact the practice.
To ensure that everyone is assessed correctly, once your appointment is booked we will send out, via your email or smart phone, some forms to fill in, particularly about your health and Covid-19 status. These are accessed via a link onto a secure system that updates your records directly to us. These needs to be completed before your appointment and will be checked by your dentist at the latest 48 hours prior to you attending. You will not be allowed to attend without the completion of these forms. If you are unable to complete the forms remotely it is important to let us know by telephone or email message, so that our staff can help you. Alternative arrangements can be made so that it is inclusive for all. Letters will be sent to our patients who have no internet, but this may delay your attendance.
With your recall there will also be information of what to expect during your appointment, and it is important to realise we are following government directives. These include attending with a mask, on your own, with no or minimal baggage. You will be greeted at the front door where your health will be checked. Reception is closed, and so payments will be requested before and/or after your appointment. Our toilets are closed to the public.
If you have any of the recognised symptoms of COVID-19 such as feeling unwell, a temperature, persistent cough, loss of smell or taste and breathlessness you should not attend, and instead contact the practice and ring 111 for further advice.
Unfortunately, the national guidelines are having a significant effect on how we deliver our service, especially access, appointment booking and treatment duration. We are not able to give that impromptu flexibility that we, over the years, have been known for. We, at all times, will endeavour to give the best service we can whilst striving to keep everyone safe and well, during these challenging times.
Looking forward to seeing more of you very soon, Victoria Dental Practice